GeoTIFF layer - Mapp Widget
I would like to submit a feature request to enable adding a Geo-TIFF (e.g. with tiles) layer to the map widget. The reason for this is simple: Precision tracking requires precision maps. The current satelite layer is for many locations at least 2 years
Dynamic Dashboard Template
Hello, It would be very nice to be able to create a Normal Dashboard Template. It could be consisted of pre-configured widgets that some of their details (devices, alias, color and icon conditions etc) could be filled dynamically when creating the dashboard.
Blueprint - 'optional' devices
@Vincent Raaijmakers Blueprint configurations can have n-devices. If the dashboard is configured by widgets or static table to show the n devices, an error will occur when one of the devices is missing. Example: Blueprint is configured to show temperature
Image Widget Scrolling on Mobile Apps
If the image widget takes up the whole width of a dashboard, when viewing with a mobile device scrolling with one finger will not occur when swiping over the image widget. Instead it moves and un-zoomed image around with your movements making scrolling
Resize Icons/Pins
I hereby suggest a feature to be able to scale the size of icons/pins in the Image marker and compose widgets. There are potentially other widgets as well in which scaling icons are valuable. The reason behind this feature request is to improve the usable
Graph Scaling Idea
It would be greatly beneficial if there was the ability to have control over both the minimum and maximum values separately. This would allow the minimum to be fixed to say 0, and have the maximum set to dynamic.... Currently we only have the option
Alternate TAB
Is it possible alternate TAB on dashboards? For Example: I've one dashboard with 2 tabs, and each TAB need to show alternate mode only in period of time one with other
Feature Request - Snap Lines to roads.
Hi there. Would it be possible to look at adding the feature of snapping tracking lines in the map widget to roads. I have this feature in other mapping programs and it is very useful.
Google maps route planning
Hello , In the android app it would be nice to have an option to calculate a route to the last known position of the device. Best regards. Wajih MSEDI
Allow coloured icons in desktop login
Currently the desktop login screen icons are a single colour, unlike the nice icons we can import via .svg for the mobile login of RUN. Any reason we can't see the coloured version in windows login??
Connector List - Add Network column
Hi, we created some custom connectors. It is a challenge to see in the list the network that the connector is used for. Can you please add a column that shows that? Of course we can change the name of the connector to include, but we prefer not to do
Feature Request - Dashboard Editor - Include value in Hidden field 'outline'.
Hi - When there are multiple hidden fields in a form it is not obvious which field has which value until one is selected. Would be nice to have the value variable included in the outline. See screenshot. Just for info - ea. hidden field has a different
Dynamic Dashboard Background
@Gary Howell Hello, I think the dashboard background is stored with the dashboard definition. Are there any plans to make the dashboard dynamic depending on a bucket variable? I would like to be able to display an image of the sensor installation as a
Dropdown menu on sign up page
@Andrés Hello, In my opinion having an option to have a dropdown menu in the sign up page to choose several options (to set tags) from would be very useful since it can avoid typos from the user resulting in problems with access policies, dashboards visualization,
Apply filters when downloading dynamic tables
@Andrés Hello, I have asked about this before in the community, but I guess it belongs here. I use dynamic tables a lot and they are very useful, however I find one problem with them, when downloading the table into excel / csv format the applied search
[Multi-Axis Widget] Display all data points even when there's no data
@Phil Gutierre Hi everyone! Here’s a suggestion from one of our customers about the Multi-Axis Widget: "When there are two or more data points (see image 1) in a Multi-Axis Widget, and then zoomed into a recent data, the data point with no data for the
Improve visualization when Exporting Data
@Phil Gutierre Hey everybody! Here’s a suggestion from one of our customers for a feature request related to data exporting: “When exporting variables, the selection box should show the whole variable name, so it can be easier to select the correct option.
About the Feature Requests category
@Fabioer Share your thoughts about features you would like to request.