Receiving notifications when new Users sign up (Resource Type)

Receiving notifications when new Users sign up (Resource Type)

@Aline Tusi

You can use Actions to send notifications when something happens in your account, for example, when a new RUN user is created the action will be triggered and it will be sending a notification to you.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can create an action to push a notification to yourself using the Trigger by Resource.
This kind of trigger allows you to execute your Action when a resource meets certain conditions. If you want to know more about the Trigger by Resource, click here.

Go to Actions and click on the button Add Action.

We need to inform the name of our Action, the Type of Trigger, and the Type of Action that we want to use.

In this example, I’ll create an Action to Push notification to myself when a new RUN user is created. If you want to know more about the different Types of Trigger click here, and to know more about the Types of Action click here.

TIP: I’m using a hidden field on the TagoRUN signup to work out this Resource, if you want to use it, take a look in the Creating tags for TagoRUN user with hidden fields tutorial.

After you created your Action, you will need to set up a trigger for it. Select the IF condition and inform the Tag and the Value, in sequence select the IS condition.


Now, when a new RUN user is created your Action will be triggered and you will receive a notification with the information that you selected on the Action (title, message, etc.)

Remember that your RUN users will be on the User, in there you can manage all users and you can see the type of each one. In this tutorial, we use a hidden field on the TagoRUN signup called normal_user, and in User, you can see this information at the Type column.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave your comments below.